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Refinery District


The Refinery District is a key industrial facility responsible for converting raw ore into refined materials essential for the nation's economy and military. It plays a crucial role in the production chain, ensuring that the ore extracted by Mining Districts is processed into usable resources. This district is fundamental to sustaining the growth of infrastructure, manufacturing, and military expansion.

The Refinery District Refines up to 10,000 ore per turn, with any additional ore exceeding this amount remaining unprocessed.

The Refinery District operates as a limiter in the refinement process. It has a maximum capacity of refining 10,000 ore per turn. If the nation produces more than 10,000 ore in a turn, only 10,000 will be refined, while the excess ore remains unprocessed. This mechanic requires players to manage their ore production and refinery capacity efficiently to avoid waste and ensure a continuous supply of refined materials for their construction and production needs.

Infrastructure Cost 



Money Upkeep


Energy Upkeep


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