Strategic Bomber Units
Strategic Bombers play a crucial role in military operations by delivering large amounts of firepower over long distances to strategic targets. They engage in strategic bombing to cripple enemy infrastructure and economy and provide direct support to ground forces through tactical bombing. Additionally, bombers serve as a powerful deterrent, showcasing the ability to deliver devastating strikes, and they undermine enemy morale through sustained bombing campaigns. Overall, bombers are essential for achieving both strategic and tactical objectives, disrupting enemy operations, and supporting ground and naval forces.
Abilities: Can attack ground units and bomb buildings
Bombing Campaign
A bombing campaign allows bombers to target and destroy enemy infrastructure, disrupting their economy and logistics. The size of the bomber unit does not impact the outcome, meaning a bomber pair has the same chance of success as a bomber group.
A bomber can target any infrastructure.
A 65% chance determines if the infrastructure is destroyed.
If the bombing roll is 66 or higher, the infrastructure survives as the attack misses.
Strategic Importance
Bombing campaigns are a key tool for crippling enemy production, supply lines, or defenses. However, unsuccessful strikes can leave valuable bombers exposed to anti-aircraft defenses or enemy fighters, making planning and escort strategies essential.